Fetching Spaces for Four-Legged Friends in Your Whole Home Remodel

As one of America’s top ten dog-friendly cities, San Diego is home to many who consider their dogs beloved members of the family. If you’re one of those lucky dog owners, considering your pet’s comfort when you’re planning your whole home remodel is an essential part of the creative design build process. Working with a professional design team, you can explore how to keep your dog safe, clean, and happy while keeping your space organized and stylish with customized innovation for your whole home remodel. Here are just a few tail wagging ideas for pet-friendly homes:

Clever Doggie Door
In the eclectic kitchen shown above with a medley of details, a custom built doggie door was meticulously integrated in the cabinetry to allow easy and safe access for a treasured pet. The door can be concealed when not in use, keeping the kitchen streamlined.

Convenient Washing Room
The humans in this home appreciated a convenient space for washing their dogs and storing bath supplies. The colorful room off of the kitchen aligns with the style of the rest of the vibrant home and includes a doggie door for easy in and out.

Inventive Food Station
In this compact beachside condo with a design emphasizing simplicity, a recessed area for the clients’ beloved dog was custom built below the oven to allow plenty of room for eating while keeping the kitchen clean and free of obstacles.

Our ‘best friends’ make our homes more friendly and livable. Working with a unified team of architects, designers, and construction professionals, you can make your whole home remodel as comfortable for your pets as it is for the rest of the family!