It’s National Mother-in-Law Day! Accessory Dwelling Units Balance Togetherness and Independence for Multigenerational Living

On National Mother-in-Law Day, we’re taking a look at how an accessory dwelling unit brings the whole family closer together. Multigenerational living, when more than one generation lives under one roof (not counting young children or teens), has hit record levels in the United States. In 2016, a record 64 million people — 20% of the U.S. population — lived in a multigenerational household, compared to an all-time low of 12% in 1980. A 2019 survey found that 41% of Americans buying a home were considering accommodating an elderly parent or an adult child. We design and build accessory dwelling units (ADUs), in-law suites, backyard cottages, secondary units, Granny flats, and Mother-in-Law Suites. Our experienced and caring team helps you arrive at the best solution for your family.

New, Easier Process in San Diego
The number of granny flat (sometimes called “companion unit”) applications received by San Diego increased from 19 in 2016 to over 600 in 2019. In 2020, California rule changes make the process faster and easier if you are a homeowner planning to build an accessory dwelling unit on your property. Contact us for details. 

The San Diego City Council approved a package of housing reform measures and sped up the permitting process, making it easier for homeowners to build accessory dwelling units (ADUs). The law is meant for homeowners with an existing home who want to build second dwellings in their yard or garage area. The JDR team will help you navigate these guidelines to create an ideal space for your loved one by building your new ADU or remodeling your existing one.

Safe, Welcoming, and Appealing
An ADA-compliant living space is one in which the occupant can use everything in the home without assistance from another person. “Universal design” encompasses ADA-compliance by acknowledging disability, aging and other differences as part of everyday life. One-story living, no-step entryways, wide doorways, extra floor space, floors and bathroom features with no-slip surfaces, and improved lighting are some of the hallmarks of universal design.

Our unified team of architects, designers, and construction professionals will guide you through the best decision for your family including accessory dwelling units (ADUs), in-law units, backyard cottages, secondary units, Granny flats, or Mother-in-Law suites. At JDR, we understand how to create a balanced harmony of togetherness and independence in new living spaces that bring your family together. With our carefully considered design build process and extensive experience with situations just like yours, we can help you provide a safe, comfortable and beautiful space for your mother-in-law or other loved ones.