What’s New in Kitchen Design

KitchenTrendsThe big news in kitchen trends for 2011 is that trend following has become less popular – the emphasis now is on finding ways to express your personal style in a one-of-a-kind space. So, just how do you go about doing that? Here are some tips for arriving at a style that works for you and your home when you are considering kitchen remodeling:

How Long Will You Live in Your Home?
Think about both the long-term and short-term plans for your home. If you are planning to live in your home for a long time, that will shape your design decisions differently than if you plan to sell in a year or two.

What Does Your Home Look Like Today?
If you want to remodel your kitchen, are you planning to keep all of your current furniture? If you are day dreaming about a sleek, modern kitchen, but the adjoining living areas are designed and furnished traditionally, there has to be some compromise. You want your living spaces to be integrated and make sense together visually.

What’s Your Style?
What styles are appealing to you? If you’re not sure, we always suggest a trip to the local bookstore where you can gather an array of decorating magazines and study them, making notes on what you like and don’t like about different styles. By doing this, you will naturally create a pattern of elements of style that most appeal to you.

There are many styles to choose from: French Country, Tuscan, Spanish Revival or Hacienda-Style, Modern/Contemporary, Cottage, Eclectic, Arts and Crafts, Coastal, and more. Working in collaboration with our professional design team, you will find the right interpretation for your personal expression.