
Business Systems Analyst

Bob brings an exceptional combination of technical skill, military leadership, and training experience to his role as Business Systems Analyst for Jackson Design and Remodeling. The impressive analytical, decision-making, and communication skills he developed as a technical systems administrator and Army Logistician are critical in his position. Bob is responsible for reviewing and analyzing project reporting requirements, designing and testing forms, reports, and queries that capture key project operations, maintaining the functionality and stability of databases, troubleshooting issues, and much more.

He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Information Systems from Chapman University and a Masters in Project Management from Keller University along with Masters level Military Leadership training from the Command and General Staff College and the War College. Bob is a logical thinker and a master of transforming large amounts of data into useful information. While he enjoys the process of assessing data and algorithms, Bob is also motivated by interacting with individuals and teams. He is particularly skilled at designing systems that are easy to use and understand. These systems make people’s jobs more efficient and effective. He is inspired by Jackson Design and Remodeling’s unified team and its record of award-winning projects that transform clients’ homes and lives. Bob continues to serve as a Reserve Military Officer. When he’s not at work, Bob is either on the golf course or scouting with his teenage son.